Мигранти във Франция сe гаврят жестоко с невинни жени в парк (ВИДЕО 18+)

Видео, в което мигранти плашат жени във Франция с фалшиви оръжия, набира популярност в социалните мрежи. На кадрите се виждат двама младежи, които се разхождат в паркове, завързват разговори с момичета, а след това небрежно вадят пистолет. Ужасените жени реагират с паника и писъци, а шегаджиите видимо се забавляват. 

Според описанието на видеото, злосторниците са африкански мигранти, а оръжието е реплика. 

Междувременно стана ясно, че Франция е регистрирала тази година близо 90 000 молби за получаване на бежански статут и почти всички тези хора със сигурност ще останат в страната, пише в днешния си брой френският в. "Фигаро", цитиран от БТА. 

Статистиките, на които вестникът се позовава, показват, че миграционният натиск далеч не е отминал и дори тази година има ръст от 10 процента на подадените молби.

Видеото може да видите ТУК!




let me rephrase that: "They pull that in Texas and they will get shot."


Bring it to Texas... we need a gap season filled in between birds and deer... Boom Boom!


17 дек.

Post their faces to a local police site

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I heard that here in Michigan it is becoming like it is in Europe- no go zones- we can't allow it


Dearborn, MI An Emerging No Go Zone of Islamic Hate and Intolerance via


18 дек.

A foot-in-the-door is HOW it all STARTS. Sharia won't ONLY apply to Muslims once starts!


18 дек.

What a bunch of animals! No place in America. You just clinched my opinion of you. ????????????????????


is going to quickly show the consequences for deeds like this, and the joke will all be on them.


22 дек.

I'm so HOPEFUL for the upcoming 8 years. Thank you Merry Christmas ????????????????????????????????????


That would get them killed in the U.S.


22 дек.

that's horrible, those women were truly frightened and those animals are laughing.


that wouldn't fly in South Georgia. We don't carry replicas, just the real deal down here. Come find out


Try that shit in the US, they'll get redpilled real fucking quick.


lmao! Exactly what I was thinkin! The first person they tried that w would either shoot bk or call the popo..

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17 дек.

They try this shit in Texas and somebody is going to pull out a REAL gun! These savages shouldn't even be breathing!


17 дек.

Someone tries that anywhere in this country and they're most likely dead!


pull that on a permit carrying American and see if you're laughing then


Go back home? Too expensive.


I had one of these for a few years the. Upgraded to M240B and M2. I had to give them back though



Nouvelles mondiales .. choqué et en colère


va falloir agir!!!


Arrêtez les bateaux d'entrer ..


Bientôt en France !


Ça existe déjà !! Vous avez vu ces pauvres migrants squelettiques qui fuient les guerres ?? ????????


migrants affamés de guerre ailleurs que chez eux!!!


They literally have zero respect for the countries they immigrate to...


If he was here, he would not last long


I'd shot them dead in a heartbeat & not miss a moments sleep over it.


They need a little lead in their diet


17 дек.

A lot of American women including myself conceal and carry! What do U think would happen if they met a "real" gun?


It would definitely be a different scenario and I bet there would be no laughing.


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